Computer Graphics

Alchemist: Parametric control of material properties with diffusion models

Prafull Sharma, Varun Jampani, Yuanzhen Li, Xuhui Jia, Dmitry Lagun, Fredo Durand, Bill Freeman, Mark Matthews
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024
Paper (pdf)

Materialistic: Selecting similar materials in images

Prafull Sharma, Julien Philip, Michaël Gharbi, Bill Freeman, Fredo Durand, Valentin Deschaintre
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
Paper (pdf)

Nerfactor: Neural factorization of shape and reflectance under an unknown illumination

Xiuming Zhang, Pratul P Srinivasan, Boyang Deng, Paul Debevec, William T Freeman, Jonathan T Barron
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2021
Paper (pdf)

Light field networks: Neural scene representations with single-evaluation rendering

Vincent Sitzmann, Semon Rezchikov, Bill Freeman, Josh Tenenbaum, Fredo Durand
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2021
Paper (pdf)

Consistent depth of moving objects in video

Zhoutong Zhang, Forrester Cole, Richard Tucker, William T Freeman, Tali Dekel
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2021
Paper (pdf)

Quantaichi: a compiler for quantized simulations

Yuanming Hu, Jiafeng Liu, Xuanda Yang, Mingkuan Xu, Ye Kuang, Weiwei Xu, Qiang Dai, William T Freeman, Frédo Durand
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2021
Paper (pdf)

Lasr: Learning articulated shape reconstruction from a monocular video

Gengshan Yang, Deqing Sun, Varun Jampani, Daniel Vlasic, Forrester Cole, Huiwen Chang, Deva Ramanan, William T Freeman, Ce Liu
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2021
Paper (pdf)

Neural light transport for relighting and view synthesis

Xiuming Zhang, Sean Fanello, Yun-Ta Tsai, Tiancheng Sun, Tianfan Xue, Rohit Pandey, Sergio Orts-Escolano, Philip Davidson, Christoph Rhemann, Paul Debevec, Jonathan T Barron, Ravi Ramamoorthi, William T Freeman
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2021
Paper (pdf)

Multi-plane program induction with 3d box priors

Yikai Li, Jiayuan Mao, Xiuming Zhang, Bill Freeman, Josh Tenenbaum, Noah Snavely, Jiajun Wu
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2020
Paper (pdf)

Weakly Supervised 3D Human Pose and Shape Reconstruction with Normalizing Flows

Andrei Zanfir, Eduard Gabriel Bazavan, Hongyi Xu, Bill Freeman, Rahul Sukthankar, Cristian Sminchisescu
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2020
Paper (pdf)

GHUM & GHUML: Generative 3D Human Shape and Articulated Pose Models

Hongyi Xu, Eduard Gabriel Bazavan, Andrei Zanfir, William T Freeman, Rahul Sukthankar, Cristian Sminchisescu
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020
Paper (pdf)  :  Project Repo

SpeedNet: Learning the Speediness in Videos

Sagie Benaim, Ariel Ephrat, Oran Lang, Inbar Mosseri, William T Freeman, Michael Rubinstein, Michal Irani, Tali Dekel
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020
Paper (pdf)

Perspective Plane Program Induction From a Single Image

Yikai Li, Jiayuan Mao, Xiuming Zhang, William T Freeman, Joshua B Tenenbaum, Jiajun Wu
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR), 2020
Paper (pdf)

Semantic Pyramid for Image Generation

Assaf Shocher, Yossi Gandelsman, Inbar Mosseri, Michal Yarom, Michal Irani, William T Freeman, Tali Dekel
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020
Paper (pdf)  :  Project Page

Layered Neural Rendering for Retiming People in Video

Erika Lu, Forrester Cole, Tali Dekel, Weidi Xie, Andrew Zisserman, David Salesin, William T Freeman, Michael Rubinstein
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2020
Paper (pdf)

Boundless: Generative adversarial networks for image extension

Piotr Teterwak, Aaron Sarna, Dilip Krishnan, Aaron Maschinot, David Belanger, Ce Liu, William T Freeman
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV), 2019
Paper (pdf)  :  Project Page

Learning shape templates with structured implicit functions

Kyle Genova, Forrester Cole, Daniel Vlasic, Aaron Sarna, William T Freeman, Thomas Funkhouser
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV), 2019
Paper (pdf)

Deep Audio Priors Emerge From Harmonic Convolutional Networks

Zhoutong Zhang, Yunyun Wang, Chuang Gan, Jiajun Wu, Joshua B Tenenbaum, Antonio Torralba, William T Freeman
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2019
Paper (pdf)  :  Project Page

ChainQueen: A Real-Time Differentiable Physical Simulator for Soft Robotics

Yuanming Hu, Jiancheng Liu, Andrew Spielberg, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, William T. Freeman, Jiajun Wu, Daniela Rus, and Wojciech Matusik
IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019
Paper (pdf)

MoSculp: Interactive Visualization of Shape and Time

Xiuming Zhang, Tali Dekel, Tianfan Xue, Andrew Owens, Qiurui He, Jiajun Wu, Stefanie Mueller, and William T. Freeman
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2018
Paper (pdf)  :  Project page

3DTV at home: eulerian-lagrangian stereo-to-multiview conversion

Petr Kellnhofer, Piotr Didyk, Szu-Po Wang, Pitchaya Sitthi-Amorn, William Freeman, Fredo Durand, Wojciech Matusik
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 36 (4), 146 (SIGGRAPH) July, 2017
Paper (pdf)  :  Project page

Eulerian Video Magnification and Analysis

Neal Wadhwa, Hao-Yu Wu, Abe Davis, Michael Rubinstein, Eugene Shih, Gautham J. Mysore, Justin G. Chen, Oral Buyukozturk, John V. Guttag, William T. Freeman, Frédo Durand
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 60 No. 1, Pages 87-95, January 2017
Paper (pdf)

Deviation magnification: revealing departures from ideal geometries

Neal Wadhwa, Tali Dekel, Donglai Wei, Fredo Durand, William T. Freeman
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 34 (6), 226 (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2015
Paper (pdf)  :  project page

Revealing and modifying non-local variations in a single image

Tali Dekel, Tomer Michaeli, Michal Irani, William T. Freeman
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 34 (6), 227 (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2015
Paper (pdf)  :  Project page

A computational approach for obstruction-free photography

Tianfan Xue, Michael Rubinstein, Ce Liu, William T. Freeman
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 34 (4), (SIGGRAPH), 2015
Paper (pdf)

Video Magnification in Presence of Large Motions

Mohamed Elgharib, Mohamed Hefeeda, Fredo Durand, William T. Freeman
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015
Paper (pdf)

A World of Movement

Fredo Durand, William T. Freeman, Michael Rubinstein
Scientific American, Volume 312, Number 1, January 2015
Paper (pdf)  :  videos

Style Transfer for Headshot Portraits

YiChang Shih, Sylvain Paris, Connelly Barnes, William T. Freeman, Frédo Durand
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2014
Paper (pdf)  :  Project page

The Visual Microphone: Passive Recovery of Sound from Video

Abe Davis, Michael Rubinstein, Neal Wadhwa, Gautham Mysore, Fredo Durand, William T. Freeman
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 33, Number 4 (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 2014.
Paper (pdf)  :  Project web page  :  Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me segment (starts at minute 3:28)  :  Chinese television (CCTV)

Camouflaging an Object from Many Viewpoints

Andrew Owens, Connelly Barnes, Alex Flint, Hanumant Singh, William T. Freeman
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014
Paper (pdf)  :  Project page

A Compositional Model for Low-Dimensional Image Set Representation

Hossein Mobahi, Ce Liu, and William T. Freeman
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014
Paper (pdf)

Riesz Pyramids for Fast Phase-Based Video Magnification

Neal Wadhwa, Michael Rubinstein, Frédo Durand, William T. Freeman
International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2014.
Paper (pdf)  :  Project page

Fabricating BRDFs at High Spatial Resolution Using Wave Optics

A. Levin, D. Glasner, Y. Xiong, F. Durand, W. Freeman, W. Matusik, T. Zickler
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 32, Number 4 (Proc. SIGGRAPH) 2013
Paper (pdf)  :  Project website

Phase-based Video Motion Processing

Neal Wadhwa, Michael Rubinstein, Fredo Durand, William T. Freeman
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 32, Number 4 (Proc. SIGGRAPH) 2013
Paper (pdf)  :  Project website

Data-driven Hallucination of Different Times of Day from a Single Outdoor Photo

YiChang Shih, Sylvain Paris, Frédo Durand, William T. Freeman
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia) 2013
Paper (pdf)  :  project page  :  video demo

Eulerian Video Magnification for Revealing Subtle Changes in the World

Hao-Yu Wu, Michael Rubinstein, Eugene Shih, John Guttag, Fredo Durand, William T. Freeman
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 31, Number 4 (Proc. SIGGRAPH) 2012
Paper (pdf)  :  Project website

CG2Real: Improving the Realism of Computer Generated Images using a Large Collection of Photographs

Micah K. Johnson, Kevin Dale, Shai Avidan, Hanspeter Pfister, William T. Freeman, Wojciech Matusik
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG) 2011
Paper (pdf)  :  Project website

A Perfect Match (technical perspective)

William T. Freeman
Communications of the ACM, November, 2011, vol. 54, no. 11
Paper (pdf)

Infinite Images: Creating and Exploring a Large Photorealistic Virtual Space

Biliana Kaneva, Josef Sivic, Antonio Torralba, Shai Avidan and William T. Freeman
Proceedings of the IEEE, volume 98, issue 8, pages 1391 - 1407, 2010
Paper (pdf)  :  Project website

Motion blur removal with orthogonal parabolic exposures

Taeg Sang Cho, Anat Levin, Fredo Durand, and William T. Freeman
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2010
Paper (pdf)  :  Project website

4D Frequency Analysis of Computational Cameras for Depth of Field Extension

Anat Levin, S. Hasinoff, P. Green, F. Durand, W. T. Freeman
SIGGRAPH, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Aug 2009
Paper (pdf)  :  Project website

Motion-Invariant Photography

A. Levin, P. Sand, T. S. Cho, F. Durand, W. T. Freeman
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3), (Proc. SIGGRAPH), August, 2008
Paper (pdf)  :  Project website

Creating and exploring a large photorealistic virtual space

J. Sivic, B. Kaneva, A. Torralba, S. Avidan and W. T. Freeman
First IEEE Workshop on Internet Vision, associated with CVPR 2008
Paper (pdf)

Image and depth from a conventional camera with a coded aperture

A. Levin, R. Fergus, F. Durand, and W. T. Freeman
ACM Trans. On Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH) 2007
Paper (pdf)  :  Project website

Removing camera shake from a single image

R. Fergus, B. Singh, A. Hertzmann, S. Roweis, and W. T. Freeman
Paper (pdf)  :  Project website

Noise estimation from a single image

C. Liu, W. T. Freeman, R. Szeliski, and S. B. Kang
IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) New York, NY, June, 2006
Paper (pdf)

Motion Magnification

Ce Liu, Antonio Torralba, William Freeman, Fredo Durand, and Edward Adelson
Paper (pdf)  :  Project website

Shape-Time Photography

W. T Freeman and H. Zhang
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Madison, WI, June, 2003
Paper (pdf)

Learning style translation for the lines of a drawing

W. T. Freeman, J. B. Tenenbaum, E. Pasztor
ACM Transactions on Graphics, January, 2003
Paper (pdf)

Shape-Time Photography

W. T. Freeman and H. Zhang
MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab Memo 2002-002
Paper (pdf)

Image quilting for texture synthesis and transfer

A. Efros and W. T Freeman
Paper (pdf)

An example-based approach to style translation for line drawings

W. T. Freeman, J. B. Tenenbaum, E. Pasztor
Tech. Rep. TR99-11, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, February 1999
Paper (pdf)

Design Galleries: A General Approach to Setting Parameters for Computer Graphics and Animation

J. Marks, B. Andalman, P. Beardsley, W. Freeman, S. Gibson, J. Hodgins, T. Kang, B. Mirtich, H. Pfister, W. Ruml, K. Ryall, J. Seims, S. Shieber
ACM Computer Graphics, vol. 31, no. 4, (SIGGRAPH '97) August, 1997
Paper (pdf)

Computer vision for computer games

W. T. Freeman, K. Tanaka, J. Ohta, and K. Kyuma
, 2nd International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Killington, VT, USA, pp. 100-105
Paper (pdf)

Artificial retina chips as image input interfaces for multimedia systems

T. Toyoda, Y. Nitta, E. Funatsu, Y. Miyake, W. Freeman, J. Ohta, and K. Kyuma
Optoelectronics and Communications Conference, OECC'96, Chiba, Japan, July, 1996

Computer vision for computer graphics

I. Carlbom (course organizer) and W. Freeman, G. Klinker, W. Lorensen, R. Szeliski, D. Terzopoulos, and K. Waters
SIGGRAPH '94 and '95 course notes

Motion without movement

W. T. Freeman, E. H. Adelson, and D. J. Heeger
ACM Computer Graphics, vol. 25, no. 4, (SIGGRAPH '91), pp. 27 - 30, July, 1991